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Dear fellow Creator, I’d like to welcome you to this space. I’m glad you found your way here! My name is Henry and I use this blog and my The Power of Creation Podcast to share my views of all things spiritual with my fellow Creators. I’ve been going through life observing everything around me, often feeling like I’m a character in a big movie that keeps going and going. I was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1976 and have been living in Germany since 2008. I have no attachments to my birth place, except for my relatives who are there. I made a cut in my life when I came to Europe and circumstances have given me the impulse to make further cuts ever since. So the man who’s writing these lines in Autumn 2020 is not the same from 5, 10 or 20 years ago and most probably won’t be the same in the future. So what is this space about? Well, it’s a calling I have finally accepted. The need to communicate after having been a very shy child and young adult and despite being very kept to myself th

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