Spirituality and Decision-Making

One of the main concerns people bring to their consultations with “fortune tellers” or when they channel spiritual guides is that of making “the right decision”.

What makes a decision “right”? This doubt usually stems from a fear of doing something we might regret in the future or that might makes us look bad in the eyes of others. So be it something as trivial as deciding whether to buy a certain pair of shoes or something so transcendental like changing a job or finishing a relationship, we're always looking for the best way to go about it.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This comes about because we have been raised and educated for millennia into believing that we cannot control the outcomes or the events that happen in our lives and that we always depend on external forces, like the God that wanted animal sacrifices or the one that wants you to tell a priest what you have done “wrong” so that you get absolution. But it's not just the religious education we have received that is too blame. We have also been socialized for so long about how we're just one piece in a big machinery called society and that we need to stick to the parameters of this construct, like paying certain taxes, going to vote when told to, etc. So there will always be a higher power, be it a God or a form of government, that will influence your life so much that it makes you doubt about deciding for yourself.

The result of these forms of indoctrination is, simply put, fear. What makes us doubt so badly about making the “right” or “wrong” decision is fear of what will come next: If I quit this job, will I ever be able to work again? If I leave this person, will I be alone for the rest of my life? If I buy these very expensive shoes, will I be able to buy other stuff that I need? The list goes on and on.

I've been there several times myself, even recently. I'm the kind of person who has always tended to evaluate any potential decision to the very last detail, always thinking about the possible consequences. I have handled many possible scenarios in my head, I have imagined these things happening, and I have tried to imagine how to react in the worst-case scenarios of all those that play in my head. I don't always find an answer, because when I think like that, I'm not allowing guidance to come but rather leaving the overhand to my human mind and ego.

The main result of this has been, in many cases, inaction.

Inaction comes when the fear of the consequences of a decision has won the battle in my head. This led me to not standing up to bullies in school or to my bully-boss at one of my former jobs and to suck it up for a long time. In these cases, I did make a choice. I chose to be miserable because “that's what I have”. In the case of that former job I left myself be influenced by the societal standards in Germany, where it's “wrong” to leave a job if you don't have another one at hand, you then get stigmatized and fall into a systematic spiral of pressure from the State to take up another job as soon as possible while not getting any money for three months. It doesn't matter if that employer of yours does things that go against your beliefs or even your consciousness, the State wants you to keep delivering. So I sucked it up until I could change the job and this was a time of deep frustration in my life.

Back then I wasn't only going through scenarios in my head, though, but I was also using Oracles.

Current society has stamped Oracles as “woo”, superstitions, fake etc. Throughout history, however, quite a lot of people have resorted to the use of Oracles, from the powerful Kings of Ancient Times up to the regular citizens of modern day. Fortune-tellers, Tarot cards, pendulums and many different forms of divination have been around for ages. They have been a necessity for humankind because of the strong programming that we've had, which has kind of distorted or muted our inherent extra-sensory perception.

Not only do we all have this extra-sensory perception, but we all experience it all the time, most without even realizing it. How often do you hear people talking about “having a hunch”, a “feeling”? How often have your heard stories about people ignoring that “hunch” and then doing something that brought about a negative experience?

This “hunch” or “feeling” is accompanied by physical sensations, usually in your stomach or around your solar plexus chakra, which stands, among other things, for decision making/intuition. So when something feels off, you usually feel it in this area of your body, but then your mind starts to ponder and tries to find the “logic” in whatever it is that you're going through.

My mother helped me back then with her Oracles. She channels wonderful high-dimensional entities with a pendulum and she also used a card deck of Archangels put together by a German woman named Ulrike Hinrichs. Through these Oracles, my mother could see where I was standing and actually predict what was going to happen to me. I resorted to this because I was letting my mind be driven by the German societal standards and my fear of being unemployed, yet having a prognosis helped me to take action and, finally, change my job situation.

After sometime I also got my own Oracles. I also channel some wonderful entities with a pendulum and I own the same Archangels card deck, which I also use to discern situations.

To be clear, using these or any Oracles in order to help you in your decision-making process doesn't mean that you're giving away your power to somebody else or to something outside of yourself, unless you prefer to rely only on these consultations rather than on your own intuition. Like I said before, the programming has been so strong that we have to use these tools in order to more effectively connect to the quantum field, to that energy that surrounds us and everything in the Universe.

What “fortune-tellers” who aren't fake do is to perceive possible timelines that are there in the Universe and have been created by thought. They tap into the quantum field and help you to see what possibilities are in store for you. So the future as such isn't actually written in stone, but always in your hands.

We all have access to these abilities or powers. Esther Hicks started channeling that group of four-dimensional beings called Abraham by means of meditating in such a relaxed state of mind that she allowed this energy to flow and speak through her. Abraham don't make predictions, but rather put the emphasis on us being the creators of our own reality, so the output is always that which we have made for ourselves. There are many other channelers who have tapped into powerful energies in the quantum field, be it the high-dimensional Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts in the 1970s) or even higher beings like the Pleiadians channeled by Barbara Marciniak and so on. These channelers are people like you and me, the only difference being their willingness to allow these energies to come forth through them.

We can all accomplish this by connecting with our Inner Beings (or Higher Selves, or Souls, or Christ Consciousnesses). Your Inner Being is that part of yourself that isn't physically focused so it can see beyond the 3D-Matrix we live in and see all aspects of you and your surroundings. So when you need to make a decision, the best thing you can do is to connect to this energy, which is your own.

Our Inner Beings communicate with us primarily through our emotions. The more we learn to listen to them, the more open this communication will be. We not only have this wonderful non-judgmental guidance, but also that of other entities with whom we can communicate through the Oracles, until it becomes no longer necessary.

And the reason why it won't be necessary at some point is that we humans have been created by Source with a wonderful Power of Creation, so every prediction we make ourselves or listen or read from others will always be subjected to this inherent power of ours.

Decisions will always have consequences, so we should stop fearing them. There's no way we can foresee every possible outcome of any situation, so we might as well relax and enjoy the unfolding of life. As long as we listen to our feelings, we will choose the right path for ourselves.

And remember that your right path doesn't need to be the right path of anyone else!




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