Raising our Vibrations in Times of Uncertainty

What a time we're living! There's worldwide concern about the 2020 USA presidential elections, there's a pandemic, there's a tense climate in many countries because of measures taken in order to, apparently, contain a virus, while taking away many personal liberties in the process.

Many things are happening and will keep on happening, which will make this world seem chaotic, but it all will make sense the more we observe it rather than to engage actively with it. Such turmoil isn't new for mankind, but this time we're living right now is that time of Ascension many have waited for since decades. It's a joy that our souls chose to incarnate on this Earth plane exactly at this time in human history!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Focusing on Ascension is like seeing the bigger picture amidst the apparent chaos. That focus is exactly what we need to care for, because we create our own reality with our thoughts. 
Many people don't like to hear this, because they only focus on that which seems to go wrong in the world. The news keep regurgitating negativity: arguing politicians, diseases, wars, riots. People who focus mostly on these things are those that have a hard time believing in their own power of creation and then react like “What do you mean I create my own reality? Come on! I couldn't have created a pandemic!”

Think again. Maybe you're one of the thousands or millions of people who were constantly wishing they could have more time to be at home with their loved ones, or just by themselves, instead of having to spend so many hours at an office, probably doing a job they don't like. Of course, this is a generalization, but it's something I've observed in others and I've experienced myself. It went out so well for me that I could even change to a much better day job, exactly how and where I wanted it. That came about because I spent most of the time focusing on that desire rather than on the unwanted.

It might sound selfish, but this doesn't mean I don't take the situation seriously. It rather means that each of us has a very own process of life and we can adapt out desires to our personal situations. As much as we are all connected to one another as creations of the same Source, our individual destinies aren't that intertwined. There's a collective destiny, which is what we're seeing with this pandemic spread all over the world, but the way this collective situation affects you is something you can control more than you think. Granted, it's been sad for those who have lost loved ones during this pandemic. If we observe this not from a 3D-perspective, but as creations of Source that we are, we can remember that souls decide themselves when and where to incarnate and they also decide when to depart.

In any case, the key to remaining focused on that which we want is to vibrate accordingly. How can we understand vibration in this context? Think of how everything that you perceive vibrates: sound is vibration, the air is vibration, your voice, your heartbeat, the sound of a flowing river, planet Earth itself. All forms of creation, even objects, have a vibration. This is so because everything is energy, and the way energy flows is through this vibrating.

Vibrations are not “good” or “bad” per se, but there are high and low vibrations. In order to manifest the positive, we need to focus on things and thoughts that vibrate in a high frequency.

How can you tell high frequencies from low ones? Think of what we usually call “vibe”. When you enter a room and feel tired after a while, that's a “negative vibe” or a low vibration. When you meet somebody and feel tired after talking to them, they gave you a “bad vibe”.

Taking from the teachings of Abraham Hicks: It works like a radio. If you want to listen to a certain radio station but you set your dial to a different frequency, you won't receive the station you wanted. The key is to tune to that which gets you near to what you want. It sounds simple, right? It is!

You might say that it's not easy to be in a high frequency vibration the whole time, and you're right. What's important is that you recognize when a vibration is low and won't do you good, so that you can shift your focus.

People who watch the news all the time are more likely to be worried, stressed and sick. Then they go around saying that “the world is a crazy, dangerous place, full of awful things”. Of course there's evil in the world, but when you focus solely or mostly on that which seems awful, ugly or even apocalyptic, you dwell on that vibration and it keeps you down.

It's fine to be frustrated or sad or overwhelmed at times, because such emotions belong to our human experience. Don't suppress your emotions, but don't remain stuck in the negative ones for so long, because that's what lowers your defenses in your mind and body. That's exactly the risk mankind is facing right now, when a lot of people are being taken over by uncertainty but, mostly, by FEAR... fear of that invisible enemy that is a virus… but also FEAR of what the governments have in store for them in terms of new laws and regulations.

One of the reasons why the virus hasn’t been as deadly as it was first thought is because more people are awakening and overcoming fear. That's why there's also more infected people who won't show symptoms. They're not a match to that vibration of fear or worry, so the virus dissolves. Of course, they also have strong bodily defenses, probably from general good health, but it's also the way they approach diseases which keeps them healthy. Of course we should take precautions and use common sense, but we can do this from a place of self-love rather than fear.

There have also been several examples in recent history when terminally-ill patients outlived their doctors' prognosis by far. It is because they decided they weren't going to die just yet, but rather enjoy nature or spend more time with their loved ones. They raised their vibrations!

All that which is fun and uplifting for us, and doesn’t hurt others, can help us to raise our vibrations. It might be as trivial as watching a sitcom you like. You spend 20 minutes laughing at absurd situations, but this takes your attention from all those negative things out there. It can also be as trivial as dancing by yourself while cleaning up your flat, singing along to uplifting tunes, doing sports, having a good talk with friends or with your partner, playing video games, being with your kids, reading books, listening to motivational podcasts, learning new things through online courses. There's so much out there right now to focus on which is actually good!

Many people, however, don’t allow themselves to enjoy life. Many have been taught that life is supposed to be hard, to be about suffering, “no pain no gain”. Of course there have to be challenges, because they let us grow, otherwise life would be monotonous and we wouldn’t have a reason to be here at all. Instead of thinking that life has to be hard, think about all the beneficial things you can do.

One major way to raise your vibration is to meditate. Meditation might not be fun for you, and to be honest, it isn’t meant to be fun. It's just meant to allow you to BE. It's not about quieting the mind, because many of those thoughts that come to you while you’re meditating might be trying to tell you something, and this is a way in which creativity can flourish if you let it. So everyone, even those with the busiest minds, can meditate. This is an easy and relaxed way to raise your vibration.

If you care more for yourself in this way, this will allow you to be positive most of the time. This high vibration will be also exuded by you and others might tune to it. It will get contagious… and that’s better than any virus out there!

Through a higher vibration, there will be more harmony in your inside, hence also in the outside, because we create from within. So feed your mind with good things to keep that high vibration up there. Turn off the news! Maybe watch them once per week for a few minutes or something like that. You don’t need to know everything that doesn’t directly affect you. Whoever sits in the Oval Office, or in whichever government seat in the world, is not gonna decide about YOUR or MY life. Of course they will pass certain laws, maybe raise your taxes or whatever. That's all part of the 3D-Matrix and it's up to you to let these things affect you or not.

Raise your vibration, be positive for yourself and, if you will, gather with others who are also raising their vibrations. This will create a higher vibrating environment.The more of us that do this, the less chances the negativity of the 3D Matrix will have to rule upon us. And the more we'll tune to the
raising vibration of Mother Earth




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